Cyber Security & Remote Employees | Neuways – Technologist

Ensuring security awareness is vital for any organisation’s security strategy, but what happens when this message fails to resonate internally? Are your staff getting enough training on how important cyber security is, especially if they are operating in a remote environment. This articles is all about 3 things to consider if you have a remote team, notably about whether it is easier to have remote IT support; does your business need an internal business system that everyone can work from; and also strong are your cyber security processes. Remote working has definitely seen employees slack in terms of cyber security, just at a time when cyber criminals are getting smarter.

How can Neuways help your remote employees understand the importance of cyber security?

Neuways aim to help out business owners who are looking to strengthen their cyber security, which isn’t always easy when their employees are spread all over the UK. So how does an organisation address intentional disregard for security protocols by its users? And how can policies be effectively enforced in the era of managing a dispersed workforce? These pressing questions highlight a growing gap between policy intentions and practical implementation, as revealed by recent cyber security statistics on remote working.

The data in the report highlighted by Teiss shows a concerning trend: only 58% of respondents agreed that their remote workers were aware of security risks and followed prescribed policies to safeguard data. This marks a significant decrease from 92% in 2022, indicating a sharp decline in employee adherence to cyber security measures. Moreover, 28% admitted their employees lacked awareness of remote work-related data risks, suggesting a combination of ignorance and complacency. This has set alarm bells ringing among C-Suite level employees like CEOs and CFOs of small business, who understand the risks of securing confidential and sensitive data.

Corporate Data Breaches

More alarmingly, nearly half of the respondents (46%) believed their remote workers displayed indifference towards cyber and network security, while an equal number (48%) acknowledged that staff knowingly jeopardised corporate data security. Shockingly, employees were found responsible for 70% of corporate data breaches in 2023.

Does this reflect a blatant disregard for policy? Not necessarily. It could signify a lack of appreciation for security’s significance in daily operations or a desire for security to be given without individual effort. Some essential security measures like Multi-Factor authentication are considered to be time-consuming and irritating by employees – but they are a must!

Managed Phishing Awareness Training

However, fostering a culture of security within the organisation is crucial for policies to be truly effective. Yet, employees knowingly risking data suggests disengagement from this culture, resorting to unauthorised workarounds. Neuways offer Managed IT support which helps SMEs to set up their infrastructure for remote employees, alongside a Managed Cyber Security service which helps employees and managers to secure their data, whilst also teaching employees how important it is to take security seriously. As part of the cyber security service we provide, there is Managed Security Awareness Training, which is widely used by businesses to encourage remote employees to work securely. The IT support aspect helps teams to work smoothy and efficiently, whilst the cyber security service means that the data is secure wherever they are in the world.

Do business owners understand the dangers of remote working without controls and moderation?

Further examination of the statistics reveals a troubling trend: many remote workers operate with minimal oversight. The proportion of businesses allowing remote employees to use personal devices without control or monitoring software more than doubled from 2022 to 2023, reaching 17%. Even when device approval was mandatory, 24% of businesses failed to regulate corporate systems and data access. Additionally, 19% lacked technology supporting secure remote work, citing cost as a barrier.

Some organisations turn to insurance to mitigate insider threats, with 20% seeking coverage against unintentional data breaches. However, insurers often mandate specific security measures such as data backup, regular patching, encrypted data storage, and employee training. You can read more on cyber insurance and why it matters in our article on the importance of cyber essentials certification and cyber security measures.

Have you implemented the right cyber security processes?

Implementing these measures reduces the insider threat and avoids the need for costly technologies. Instead, organisations can focus on supporting remote workers, preventing the need for risky workarounds. For instance, consider data backup: manual backups have surged to 48%, while automated backups have fallen to 50%. Yet, relying on manual backups introduces human error, with only 27% successfully recovering data compared to 45% in 2022.

Similarly, encryption of remote devices has drastically declined, posing unnecessary risks. Despite growing network dispersion, many organisations need more visibility and control over their data. Ultimately, the statistics reveal that it’s about more than just employee compliance but also about businesses needing to adequately facilitate and empower their workforce.

Contact Neuways for help implementing the right ERP system for you

If you’d like to find out more about how we help business owners to set their employees up for remote working, please contact Neuways for more information. We are happy to troubleshoot any technical issues you have and resolve concerns about your online systems and networks.

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