Cyber threat intelligence sharing across auto industry eyed – Technologist

The Automotive Security Research Group (ASRG) is gearing up for cyber threat intelligence sharing across the automotive industry, and has partnered with ThreatQuotient to provide the technology platform that serves as a critical tool for automotive companies to strengthen their security practices.

“The growth of technology’s role in the automotive industry has prompted the need to focus attention on cybersecurity,” said John Heldreth, founder of ASRG. “The more information that engineers and developers have regarding the products they are developing and their operating environments, the better implementation and more secure solutions can be expected. Engineers and developers will have the opportunity to access shared information through ThreatQ that will enhance the industry’s security.”

Established in 2017, ASRG is a non-profit organisation that supports the development of security solutions for automotive products. Currently, it has over 6,000 members in 19 countries, including Australia, China, Japan, India, Singapore and the Philippines.

Compared to other industries, the development of cyber and data security solutions for automotive products is in its infancy. However, the security goals are the same across all automotive manufacturers and even across different products.

Sharing enriched threat data externally helps strengthen defenses across a larger community of users. The ThreatQ platform will provide granular controls over what, when and how much data is shared so that ASRG members can comfortably share and gain valuable insights from other users. Finding and knowing where to look for information is the first step to understanding problems and proposing informed solutions.

“ASRG’s goal is to reduce hesitation on the part of automotive stakeholders to share vulnerabilities or cyber issues related to their products and to offer a safe and secure platform for intelligence sharing. We are thrilled to partner with and sponsor ASRG with our threat intelligence platform for members to gain critical knowledge,” said Markus Auer, CTI advisor and regional manager CEE at ThreatQuotient.

He added: “We share ASRG’s vision for solving the global challenge of using threat intelligence more constructively across multiple use cases, which is larger than any one company or solution. We look forward to the positive impact ASRG will have on security in the automotive industry.”

According to Jasmine Rhyder, lead of the ASRG Sydney Chapter of ASRG, having a wealth of information in one place makes it easier for researchers, analysts and engineers to find relevant data, and to do so more quickly.

“ThreatQuotient and ASRG are providing a clear path towards effective security operations, leading the way not only in developing this security solution for the automotive industry, but doing so in a way that encourages meaningful information sharing. It will be exciting to see the full impact this collaboration will have on the industry.”

The ThreatQ platform provides a unique combination of capabilities that streamline threat operations and management to accelerate security operations. Beyond the threat intelligence platform use case, ThreatQ can be leveraged for a number of security operations priorities including threat hunting, incident response, spear phishing, alert triage and vulnerability prioritisation.

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