Secure Business WiFi | Neuways | East Midlands – Technologist

In 2024, WiFi devices will be prime targets for hackers aiming to breach business networks. Even five years ago, a staggering 72% of business data breaches in the UK were due to unsecured wireless devices, and this number will continue to rise. This statistic highlights the need for more awareness around secure business WiFi and business network security, leaving many local businesses vulnerable to cyber attacks.

However, with our Cyber Security tips and advice, your business doesn’t have to be part of this statistic. Understanding the basics of internet security is a crucial first step towards securing your wireless business devices. You can protect your business from potentially devastating cyber attacks by becoming informed.

What Cyber Security advice will Neuways cover in this article?

Many small businesses suffer data breaches due to inadequate WiFi security. However, our latest podcast reveals plenty of tips business leaders should follow to ensure that the WiFi is secure for employees. Simple measures such as encryption, firewalls, and turning off WiFi during non-business hours can strengthen WiFi security.

We also discuss how our tried-and-tested Network Security services and products protect against identity theft, secure Business and customer data, and extend the lifespan of computer systems. As hackers are now more patient and adept at exploiting weak spots in business networks, IT Managers must spot potential weaknesses and rectify them ASAP. It is now more urgent than ever as cyber criminals often study targets before launching cyber attacks, meaning there is little time to react.

The Importance of WiFi Network Security for Businesses

Securing your WiFi network is essential for smooth daily operations and reduces the risk of potential data breaches or business disasters. Below, we discuss some of the critical benefits of having a secure WiFi network.

Your Business gets more protection from Data Breaches

A robust network security system reduces the risk of data breaches, safeguarding your business data from theft or corruption. We often talk about business disaster and recovery plans, and having secure WiFi helps your business reduce the likelihood of any potential cyber-attacks. It will also help your chances of getting Cyber Insurance.

Prevention of Business Identity Theft

An unsecured WiFi network can allow unauthorised access, enabling hackers to steal passwords, monitor activities, and potentially impersonate your business. This often leads to Phishing attacks where employees click links or hand over sensitive credentials, which can lead to disaster. Managed Security Awareness Training can help employees stay vigilant.

Safety of Business and Customer Data

Secure WiFi protects sensitive information, such as sales data and customer details, from cyber criminals and malicious software. Recently, there has been an uptick in employees handing over sensitive data via AI tools or logging on to Ghost WiFi spots where the cyber criminal is impersonating the WiFi and misleading the user.

Prolonged Equipment Lifespan

In more of a Managed IT Support aspect, rather than Cyber Security, protecting your network helps prevent harmful spyware from affecting your systems, potentially saving you money on hardware replacements. We always advise implementing these steps as we are an IT support provider.

So, how do Hackers access Business WiFi?

Professional hackers use various techniques to infiltrate business networks. Even small businesses can be targets, as hackers seek confidential information to sell or use for blackmail.

No business is too small to be targeted. Hackers use automated tools to exploit vulnerabilities, and these automated attacks can occur at any time of the day, making them harder for IT managers and leaders to defend against.

Advanced hackers study businesses to find weaknesses. Weak or default passwords can easily be cracked, but cyber criminals will often use social engineering and social stalking to find blind spots in a company’s cyber security processes.

One of the more common Cyber Threats is Identity Theft. Hackers can impersonate your business, potentially causing financial and reputational harm, especially if the impersonation or fraud is not spotted until after.

At Neuways, we advise business decision-makers to invest in Cyber Security and Managed Security Awareness Training. This helps employees spot a Phishing attack and avoid clicking on suspect links. Clicking on malicious links can install harmful software, giving hackers access to your files.

Consequences of Compromised Business WiFi

According to a 2022 government survey, 83% of attacks on UK businesses were phishing scams. Cyber attacks can significantly disrupt daily operations, regardless of business size. Hackers can steal sensitive information, leading to identity theft, financial loss, and damage to reputation. Businesses may face hefty fines under the UK’s Data Protection Act in severe cases.

Steps to Secure Your Business WiFi from Hackers

Follow the below steps to help secure your sensitive data and keep it out of the hands of cyber criminals.

Change Default Settings

Use unique, non-business-related SSIDs and passwords to prevent easy access.

Use a Strong Password

Create a complex password with at least 20 characters, including numbers, letters, and symbols.

Create a Guest Network

Separate your leading business network from guest access to protect sensitive information.

Enable WiFi Encryption

Turn on WPA3 encryption to secure your network.

Implement a Router Firewall

Firewalls act as a barrier, monitoring and blocking harmful traffic.

Turn Off WiFi When Not in Use

Disable WiFi during non-business hours to reduce attack opportunities and save energy.

Upgrade to a WPA3 Router

Ensure your router supports the latest encryption standards.

Disable Remote Access

Turn off remote access to prevent external attacks if not needed.

Keep Router Software Updated

Regular updates improve security and protect against new threats.

Secure Physical Access to the Router

Store your router in a secure, out-of-sight location.

Consider a VPN

For enhanced security, especially for remote work, use a VPN to encrypt your internet connection.

Hire an IT Professional

An IT expert can manage and enhance your network security, allowing you to focus on running your Business.

Contact Neuways for Cyber Security and IT Support

Lastly, if your business has an online presence, ensure your website is secure. Regularly update your SSL certificate to maintain website security and protect customer information.

For further guidance, Neuways offers comprehensive Cyber Security and IT support to help you secure your business network. Contact us to learn more about how we can assist you in safeguarding your Business from cyber threats. We offer IT services and Cyber Security support from our East Midlands base, meaning we are able to help businesses both globally and regionally.

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