Stop Data Being Stolen | Phishing Awareness Training – Technologist

Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly, the biggest cause of a data breach is human error. This is the biggest cause of data being stolen and can be a disaster for your company. Business owners and C-suite level directors need to be aware of employee and individual vigilance to protect your confidential data. Even with multi-factor authentication in place and passwords being changed every month, a brain fades, or simple human error can allow cyber criminals to gain access to your data and activity with one click of a button. We’re not even talking about social engineering attacks (more on that later), but simple phishing attacks where clicking on a link can lead to potential business disaster.

What is phishing awareness training?

To recognise a phishing attack, you first have to know what one is. With cyber security being at the forefront of operations (well, it should be), it is important that this ethos runs through the full business. This is the best way to stop data from being stolen. It only takes one look at the latest news stories or on social media to see how many cyber attacks and high-profile data breaches are occurring on a daily basis. In fact, there is one statistic that shows that a cyber attack occurs every 36 seconds. With the number of small and medium-sized businesses, it is highly likely that your business could be a victim.

One of the scary aspects is that a cyber criminal might not have the motive to attack your defence systems other than to do it for a bit of fun. Cyber criminals and hackers have been known to steal data to prove they can or because it gives them a thrill. That being said, as a result, protecting data and personally identifiable information is vital, as that is why most cyber criminals will operate a phishing attack as they go after your business and data.

So how does phishing awareness training help you to defend against the constant cyber attacks that occur on businesses on a dally basis. Well, to combat the phishing attacks which have affected the 92% of businesses surveyed by Computer Weekly, managed security awareness training helps businesses train their employees to stay vigilant and spot any potential scams landing in their inbox on their phone or computer.

How to spot a phishing attack

The reality is that phishing attacks do rely on human error and are just cyber criminals taking a chance that they catch someone on an off-day. The training service and program should make it easier for business employees to spot a phishing email and ignore it. The emails can be quite easy to spot once individuals know what to look out for. For example, they will usually be littered with spelling errors and come from a Gmail address that is obviously spam.

Why do people go phishing?

Often, phishing attacks will work because an employee will be having a busy day, and the cybercriminal will be attempting to impersonate someone in that business at a high level. It could be via email or text. The level of sophistication has not quite made it to instant messaging and internal channels. but that is often due to the right cyber security protocols being in place. The reason these emails are sent is to entice individuals into providing personal or sensitive information to cyber criminals without them realising. Therefore, it would be too late to defend against cyber attacks.

How does phishing work? What will the training achieve?

Scammers use various methods of communication to operate phishing scams, including emails, texts and phone calls. They are after personal data which could be considered confidential and potentially lucrative. For an individual, they are likely to hand over their own personal details, which is a disaster for the individual, as they could be the victim of identity fraud. However, it would not be potentially disastrous for businesses. Unless…

Sometimes, an individual could be at work and using their work device to do some personal errands. Whether it be online shopping or social activity, if someone is the victim of a phishing attack at work, then it could be a disaster for the company. The cybercriminal could be able to access potentially sensitive data if they successfully install malware onto the company device. Not only that but if they are successful in their attempts to gain personal data such as passwords, then they are likely able to access company login information using an email address and guess that password. This is a crucial aspect in fighting back against cyber criminals – change your password regularly and never keep the same password. Use Keeper if required; it is a great password manager tool for businesses.

<h3&amp;gt;Does it stop my data from being stolen?&lt;/p></p></p&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/p&gt;</p&amp;gt;

Phishing Awareness training works in such a way that your employees are able to spot a phishing email and then disregard it. This helps top stop data being stolen! A phishing email that lands in your inbox is harmless unless you click on it. Even though email spam filters exist, there are some emails that will be able to sneak through; it is just the reality. However, a swift delete will help you be on your way to minimising any potential cyber attack.

Is phishing awareness part of Neuways IT Support?

As an IT Support company, Neuways also offer a dedicated cyber security service, dedicated to protecting your business against any potential cyber attacks. More than just an IT support company, our team will tell you exactly how you can sign up for phishing awareness training. Protecting your data and stopping data being stolen should be at the forefront of your mind, and as a cyber security and IT support company in Derby; we are at pains to emphasise this to all our clients.

Working with large-scale organisations and small to medium-sized businesses, we know how dangerous it can be for companies to have their data breached. So much so, the team are also well briefed on providing your business with a Business Disaster Recovery Plan. Hopefully, it will never get to this point with your company, as you will have all the right Cybersafe frameworks in place. Your team will also be able to fight back against scammers and cyber criminals by spotting any phishing emails or texts.

Contact Neuways to help your business become Cybersafe

If you need any assistance with cyber security and to stop your data being stolen, then please contact Neuways and we will help you where we can. Just get in touch with our team today.

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