Morningstar Indexes Introduces Morningstar® Transatlantic Sustainable Development Goals Select 40 Indexsm – Technologist

New index provides exposure to U.S. and Developed European companies whose business activities contribute positively to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is supported by data from Morningstar Sustainalytics and has been licensed by Citi.

LONDON, December 14, 2023 –

Morningstar, Inc.

(Nasdaq: MORN), a leading provider of independent investment insights, today
announces the launch of the

Morningstar Transatlantic Sustainable Development Goals Select 40 Indexsm

. The new index, powered by the methodology of the fastest growing global
index provider Morningstar Indexes and drawing on the leading ESG data and
risk ratings of Morningstar Sustainalytics, is one of the first
impact-oriented indexes designed for the structured products market and has
been exclusively licensed by Citi for a significant new mandate.

Julien Thibaud, Global Head of Derivatives & Exchange Business
Development for Morningstar Indexes

, said: “We are excited to collaborate once again with Citi to offer an ESG
index-based approach for structured product investors, in this case one of
the first impact-oriented indexes for the structured products market. This
new index draws on the leading global index methodologies of Morningstar
Indexes and is based on the leading ESG research and data of Morningstar
Sustainalytics. It is designed to address growing investor interest in
impact-oriented investment strategies and market exposures.”

Axel Pierron, Director of Client Relations for Morningstar

said: “We are proud to support an index for investors focused on the positive contribution of their portfolios to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Through their activities companies can provide products and services that can deliver a number of positive real-life impact, from Human Development, to Climate Action, Healthy Ecosystems, Resource Security, and Basic Needs. These kind of collaborative index initiatives are a way forward for investors to meaningfully contribute to prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.”

Elree Winnett Seelig, Head of ESG Markets, Citi added:“This
index marks a new step in the collaboration between Citi and Morningstar
Indexes to build a differentiated ESG index range based on unique and
innovative data sets, addressing our clients’ evolving objectives.”

Arthur Dorbessan, Global Head of Retail Indexes – Citi Multi Asset Group

“As ESG investment becomes more targeted, it is fundamental to propose more
ESG-aligned indices to our clients. Citi is proud to collaborate with
Morningstar and Sustainalytics to offer an investment access to companies
with material revenues derived from sustainable activities through the
Morningstar ® Transatlantic Sustainable Development Goals
Select Index.”

The Morningstar Transatlantic Sustainable Development Goals Select 40 Index
provides investors with exposure to U.S. and Developed European companies
whose business activities contribute positively to the UN SDGs. Index
constituents must pass stringent ESG screens and derive at least 25% of
their revenue from one or more of the Sustainalytics Impact Themes; Human
Development, Climate Action, Healthy Ecosystems, Resource Security and Basic
Needs. Constituents are selected based on the highest total impact score as
measured by

Morningstar Sustainalytics Impact Metrics


The new index joins Morningstar Indexes family of sustainable investing
index solutions, a global range of market indexes designed to help investors
address a variety of sustainable investment goals including ESG risk,
climate and impact. Morningstar continues to develop a broad range of market
data, insights, investment tools and research to help a wide spectrum of
sustainable investment goals across markets.

About Morningstar, Inc.

Morningstar, Inc. is a leading provider of independent investment insights
in North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. The Company offers an
extensive line of products and services for individual investors, financial
advisors, asset managers and owners, retirement plan providers and sponsors,
and institutional investors in the debt and private capital markets.
Morningstar provides data and research insights on a wide range of
investment offerings, including managed investment products, publicly listed
companies, private capital markets, debt securities, and real-time global
market data. Morningstar also offers investment management services through
its investment advisory subsidiaries, with approximately $246 billion in
assets under advisement and management as of Dec. 31, 2022. The Company
operates through wholly- or majority-owned subsidiaries in 32 countries. For
more information, visit

. Follow Morningstar on Twitter @MorningstarInc.

About Morningstar Indexes and Morningstar Sustainalytics

Morningstar Indexes and Morningstar Sustainalytics have recently formed a
strategic alignment to provide a more holistic and robust ESG offering to
Morningstar clients. This growing collaboration includes ESG-related
products, insights and research.

As the fastest-growing global index provider for the last two years
according to Burton-Taylor International Consulting, Morningstar
Indexes was built to keep up with the evolving needs of investors—and to be
a leading-edge advocate for them. Morningstar’s rich heritage as a
transparent, investor-focused leader in data and research uniquely equips
Morningstar Indexes to support individuals, institutions, wealth managers
and advisors in navigating investment opportunities across all major asset
classes, styles, and strategies. From assessing risk and return with
traditional benchmarks to helping investors effectively incorporate ESG
objectives into their investment process, our range of index solutions spans
an investment landscape as diverse as investors themselves. We help
investors answer today’s increasingly complex questions so that they can
more easily reach tomorrow’s goals. Please visit

for more information.

Morningstar Sustainalytics is a leading ESG data, research, and ratings firm
that supports investors around the world with the development and
implementation of responsible investment strategies. For more than 30 years,
the firm has been at the forefront of developing high-quality, innovative
solutions to meet the evolving needs of global investors. Today, Morningstar
Sustainalytics works with hundreds of the world’s leading asset managers and
pension funds who incorporate ESG information and assessments into their
investment processes. The firm also works with hundreds of companies and
their financial intermediaries to help them consider material sustainability
factors in policies, practices, and capital projects. Morningstar
Sustainalytics has analysts around the world with varied multidisciplinary
expertise across more than 40 industry groups. For more information, visit


About Citi

Citi is a preeminent banking partner for institutions with cross-border
needs, a global leader in wealth management and a valued personal bank in
its home market of the United States. Citi does business in nearly 160
countries and jurisdictions, providing corporations, governments, investors,
institutions and individuals with a broad range of financial products and

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