2024 SEO Checklist – Forbes Advisor – Technologist

You’ve likely heard the acronym SEO, but what does it really mean, and how can it catapult your website to the coveted first page of Google search results? SEO—or search engine optimization—is a strategic process that involves optimizing various elements of your website to enhance its visibility in search engine results. In theory, the higher the visibility, the higher the number of visitors you will have to your website. In this article, we’ll give you a step-by-step SEO checklist in order to optimize your website.

The Importance of SEO

In today’s age, if your company does not land on the first two pages of a Google search, you might as well not be on the internet. Numerous thriving businesses use SEO strategies to gain high rankings in search engine results. This digital marketing strategy optimizes websites in order to drive more organic traffic by placing the website higher in search rankings. A higher ranking in turn provides a competitive edge over other companies in the overcrowded digital marketplace space. Along with the sustained growth of organic traffic, a properly executed SEO strategy can also help:

Improve User Experience

SEO involves optimizing a website’s content relevance. This not only helps in ranking higher on search engines but also provides a better experience for visitors. Because SEO targets specific keywords relevant to a website’s offerings, it attracts potential consumers actively searching for those products or services. Offering exactly what consumers are looking for often leads to higher conversions.

Establish Credibility

For better or worse, websites that appear higher in search results are often perceived as more credible and trustworthy by users. SEO helps build online authority, which can enhance a business’s reputation.


Compared to paid advertising, SEO is generally more cost-effective in the long term. While it requires upfront investment, it can lead to sustained organic traffic without the ongoing costs associated with pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. This is especially beneficial for small businesses that do not have a large marketing budget.

Planning Your SEO Strategy

Developing an effective SEO strategy starts with a clear understanding of your business objectives, target audience and how SEO integrates into your broader marketing plan. Begin by pinpointing your ideal customer. Who do you want visiting your website and why? Once this is determined, begin thorough keyword research. This step involves identifying search terms that are relevant to your niche and likely to be used by your target audience. This approach ensures that your SEO efforts are aligned with your long-term business goals and cater to the specific needs and interests of your ideal customer base. From there, you can create an SEO checklist that will help your website rank higher in search results.

SEO Basics Checklist

Creating a comprehensive SEO checklist is essential for enhancing your website’s discoverability in search results. A well-structured checklist enables site owners to identify key optimization areas in hopes of leading to significant improvements in search rankings. Among the top items to include on your checklist are:

Set Up Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools

These platforms provide valuable insights into how search engines view your site. They help identify keywords that bring the most traffic and detect any website errors that affect your website’s presence in search results.

Set Up Google Analytics

Google Analytics helps you understand your site’s traffic, behavior and engagement level. It provides comprehensive analytics that assist you in identifying the most effective strategies to improve your SEO. Features include the ability to see how much traffic you receive from Google, identify the web pages that generate the most traffic, monitor your traffic increases and recognize the sites directing traffic to your website.

Feature Relevant Keywords

Including keywords relevant to your content improves your site’s visibility in search engine results. Strategically positioning these keywords can help your website climb up the search engine rankings for greater visibility.

Optimize for Mobile

With a majority of searches conducted on mobile devices, a mobile-friendly site is essential for a good user experience. A responsive design allows your website to load on various screen sizes. This not only helps with user engagement, it also is a positive contributor to SEO.

Enable Fast Load Times

Make sure your website has a fast load time. A load time of less than four seconds is best for conversions. Speedy page load times reduce bounce rates, which can boost your site’s ranking on search engines.

Create Website Content

Regularly updated content can help improve your site’s SEO by keeping visitors engaged with your website. In addition to attracting organic traffic from search engine results, high-quality content helps position your brand as an industry expert.

Optimize Photographs

Reducing image size without losing quality helps page load times, while including relevant keywords in image filenames can help SEO. Not only should images be high quality but also optimized for web viewing to enhance both user experience and SEO performance.

Keyword Research Checklist

Keywords are the words or phrases that people enter into search engines to find information. They optimize a website’s content by making it easier for search engines to rank the site effectively. By strategically incorporating these keywords into various elements of a website, such as titles, descriptions and page content, a site can improve its visibility and relevance in search engine results. Here are a few ways to use keywords in your SEO strategy:

Find Solid Keywords in the Google Keyword Planner

It is first important to find the best keywords for your niche. Google Keyword Planner is an excellent tool to help do this. While it was primarily designed for Google Ads, it is highly effective for SEO keyword research. It uses Google data to help you identify valuable keywords for website optimization.

Identify Low-Competition Keywords

Not all keywords or phrases are obvious. Keywords that are less commonly used have fewer competitors, which can help them achieve higher ranks in search results. Tools, such as KWFinder, help businesses discover keywords with low competition by analyzing search volume, keyword difficulty and trends.

Leverage Long-Tail Keywords

Many times internet users will type entire phrases or questions into Google’s search engine. These are called long-tail keywords or question keywords. AnswerThePublic, Semrush and SEOmator are great for finding long-tail keywords or question-based keywords that are ideal for blogs and articles.

Optimize Website With Keywords

Once you know what your keywords are, it is important to incorporate them into page titles and descriptions. This practice not only enhances SEO but also aligns your content more closely with user searches to improve conversion rates.

On-Page SEO Checklist

On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing individual web pages to rank higher in search engines. It involves both the content and HTML source code of a page. This type of SEO aims to make the page easier for search engines to understand.

Keyword-Rich Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions are the roughly 155 characters used to describe what is on your web page. The HTML tag is used to provide would-be visitors with a brief summary of the web page content. When writing meta descriptions, make sure they are compelling, include relevant keywords and are true reflections of the content on the web page.

Header Tags and Keyword Phrases

Header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) should be used to highlight the structure of your content. While having keyword phrases in header tags can help with ranking, they should be used sparingly. Overuse of keywords—referred to as keyword stuffing—isn’t favored by search engines.

Internal and External Links

It is important to include both links to other pages in your website (known as internal links) and links to relevant sites outside of your site (known as external links) in your content. This not only helps keep your visitors engaged, but also helps increase your worth with search engines.

Add Alt Tags

Alt tags describe images to search engines. This not only aids visually impaired users but also contributes to the overall SEO score by allowing search engine crawlers to better understand your images.

Use Relevant Title Tags

A title tag is an HTML element that helps search engines understand what your page is about. They can significantly influence click-through rates. An accurate title tag helps maximize your page’s search visibility while attracting the right audience.

Fix Broken Links

A broken link refers to a hyperlink that directs to a web page that no longer exists. This is typically due to the page being deleted or moved without setting up a suitable redirect. When a user or a search engine crawler clicks on a broken link, the server responds with a 404 status code that indicates the page was not found.

Technical SEO Checklist

While the appeal of SEO often lies in engaging tasks like content creation and keyword brainstorming, the boring yet crucial aspect of technical SEO shouldn’t be overlooked. Here are some essential items to include on your technical SEO checklist. These vital components not only preserve the integrity of your site but significantly contribute to raising your ranking in search engine results.

Make Sure Google Can Index Your Website

In order to show a high ranking on a Google search result, you must make sure Google can find your website. To do this, begin by creating a comprehensive sitemap. Once complete, submit the sitemap to Google via the Search Console. This will help the search engine discover your site.

Create a Robots.txt File

A robots.txt file is an often overlooked component of a comprehensive SEO strategy. The robots.txt file gives directives to web crawling bots about which pages the crawler should visit on your site. A well-structured robots.txt file can help determine if your site is inadvertently blocking Googlebot from indexing your site as well as ensure search engines index your website effectively.

Website Audit

A site audit allows you to evaluate your website’s overall health in relation to SEO. The process identifies any potential issues that negatively impact your site’s visibility in search engine results, such as broken links, slow-loading pages or duplicate content. Companies, such as Moz and Semrush, offer regular site audits to help improve your website’s performance and search rankings.

Add Structured Data

Structured data refers to a standardized format for providing information about a page in a way that helps search engines understand the context of the content. Implementing structured data is a critical SEO practice, as it provides explicit clues about a page’s content to search engines. This may also enable rich result features, such as breadcrumbs or reviews, which can improve the user experience and potentially increase the rate at which users click on your site from search results.

Bottom Line

SEO is a great, low-cost way to improve search rankings by optimizing website content. Businesses can easily make websites more attractive to search engines by using an SEO checklist that includes actions, such as targeting keywords, enhancing site speed and ensuring mobile-friendliness. This optimization leads to higher rankings in search results in hopes of increasing visibility and the likelihood of attracting organic traffic.

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