9 Best SEO Automation Tools of 2024 – Technologist

Automation and generative artificial intelligence are among the leading technical and business trends for 2024. Recent advances in these areas have also increased the capabilities of automated search engine optimization tools.

Automating SEO has the potential to save you effort, money and time. Learn more about nine of the leading SEO automation tools and find out whether you will be more likely to get results from using these tools or by outsourcing organic SEO and content writing to experts.

How We Rank SEO Automation Tools

A growing number of automated SEO tools are available to website owners. Our ranking factors in the particular area in which each tool excels and the cost to use each tool. Many automation tools offer free versions with limited features or results that can still be useful for developing a SEO strategy.

Our ranking of the nine best SEO automation tools follows the general flow of the optimization process, starting with auditing the current performance and standing of a website, researching keywords and doing competitor analysis. We then rank the best technical, on-page, off-page, link building and content writing tools. Even if you choose to use all of these tools, you will still need to have a clear SEO strategy to get results.

The 9 Best SEO Automation Tools

A single SEO tool cannot provide all of the data and guidance necessary to fully optimize a website. While all-in-one SEO suites are available, the tools in these packages can vary in terms of accuracy, cost, ease of use and quality. Here are the best automated SEO tools for every stage of the optimization process.

1. The Best Tool for Automating Website Audits: Netpeak Spider

Automate in-depth website audits with Netpeak Spider. This tool examines the structure of your website and identifies issues that could prevent search engine crawlers from fully indexing the site, and can generate an XML sitemap to submit to search engines. Crawl up to 500 URLs with a free trial.

2. The Best Keyword Research Automation Tool: Semrush Keyword Magic Tool

Semrush offers a full suite of SEO automation tools, but the Keyword Magic Tool is particularly useful for finding short- and long-tail phrases and organizing keywords into clusters. Run up to 10 keyword searches a day for free with reports limited to 10 results.

3. The Best Tool to Automate Competitor Research: SE Ranking

Analyzing the SEO strategies of your competitors can help you make informed decisions. SE Ranking is one of the best automated SEO tools for tracking keywords and generating comprehensive reports on rival websites.

4. The Best Technical SEO Automation Tool: Merkle SEO Tools

Technical SEO can be particularly challenging unless you have a web development background. Merkle offers a wide range of technical SEO automation tools to help you enhance site performance and raise search results rankings.

5. The Best Automation Tool for Search Engine Indexing: Google Search Console

A free toolkit from Google is one of the best SEO automation tools that you can use to rank higher in results. Find out how the leading search engine views your website to troubleshoot potential issues and get data on clicks, impressions, traffic and query positions.

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