Best Mesothelioma Lawyers Houston, TX Of 2024 – Forbes Advisor – Technologist

Most individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma in Texas were directly exposed to asbestos in their workplace or lived with someone who brought the fibers home on their clothes. Others lived near contaminated commercial or disposal sites, breathing airborne particles that drifted into their homes. Many household products also contained asbestos, exposing DIY enthusiasts to harm when they changed the brakes on their cars, installed new flooring or repaired damage to their roof tiles.

Since asbestos was commonly used in many construction products, including floor tiles, roof shingles, cement, linoleum tiles, electrical wiring, plumbing, acoustical materials and structural insulation, many Houston buildings contain the substance. The asbestos fibers in most of these materials are safely encapsulated, but they can be released into the air when the products are disturbed by demolition or repairs.

Although asbestos is not commercially mined in Texas, it is present in numerous locations, including contaminated talc deposits. However, many Texas industries produce products containing imported asbestos, exposing workers and area residents to contamination. Asbestos was commonly used to insulate equipment and in fire-protective clothing for workers in Texas oil refineries, chemical manufacturers and shipyards.

Asbestos exposure cases have been filed against many Houston-area employers, including:

  • ARCO Gas
  • Bethlehem Shipping Company
  • BNSF
  • Cameron Iron Works
  • Chevron Phillips Chemical
  • Dow
  • Federated Metals
  • General Dynamics Corporation
  • Gulf Oil
  • Gulfport Shipping Company
  • Hess (HONX, Inc.)
  • Howmet Aerospace Inc., f/k/a Arconic, Inc., f/k/a Alcoa, Inc. (“Alcoa”)
  • Lone Star Industries
  • Lyondell Chemical
  • Texaco Oil
  • Texas Chemical
  • Todd Shipping Company
  • Union Carbide Corporation

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, an attorney with experience pursuing these types of claims can help you identify the potential sources of your exposure and pursue claims against the companies responsible.

Mesothelioma Lawsuit – Free Case Review

Have you been diagnosed with mesothelioma after exposure to asbestos? You may be eligible for significant compensation. Find out if you qualify.

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