Personal injury attorneys should invest in SEO – Technologist

In today’s world, everyone seems to have an online presence, including personal injury attorneys, which may make you wonder why SEO for personal injury lawyers matters. You have steep competition from the 87% of 1.3 million attorneys in the U.S. who have a website, and you need to set yourself apart from your competition.

Does SEO for Personal Injury Lawyers Really Matter?

You may still wonder why you should invest your time and money into SEO strategies. Did you know that of your local customers, 76% will conduct online research before they come into your office, and 35% of your potential clients will research recommendations before contacting you. In addition, up to 88% of your competition planned to invest the same or more in their SEO strategies in 2023 than in 2022.

Your new client base largely depends on your availability online, but fewer than 1% of people move on to the second page of Google results. Therefore, you need a strategy that moves you up the rankings. This is where SEO comes in.

How SEO Works

If you are like most people, the majority of your internet usage starts with a search engine. However, with the sheer number of websites available, these sites have to have ways to rank websites so users have access to those they need most. SEO uses keywords, user experience, content and external and internal links to determine your website’s focus, value and rank. These search engines also review how your visitors behave when they come to your site in addition to your website’s structure and design and how many other reputable sites link back to you.

Search engines crawl through your website to determine its usability, applicability and usefulness. Then, they take all these factors and index them, a process similar to a filing system. Once indexed, these search engines place it in the retrieval or ranked position the algorithm deems appropriate.

You may wonder how this investment benefits you. When you optimize your website and content, search engines can better categorize it, resulting in higher rankings.

SEO Increases Visibility and Traffic

SEO for personal injury lawyers matters because it increases your visibility. If you can move your website ranking up to the first in the list of Google results, you can experience an organic click-through rate of up to 39.8% because two-thirds of those who click through after their search will select the first website in the rankings.

Organic listings, those that move up the rankings due to SEO, receive 73% of clicks. You can compete more effectively when you outrank your competition. As you move up, those needing your personal injury legal services have access to information about your firm and are likely to click on your link.

SEO Targets Your Preferred Audience and Gives You High-Quality Leads

As you increase your visibility, you can target clients who need your services and are actively seeking your help. When you start your SEO journey, you determine the keywords your clients will use to search for your services. Then, you create posts that draw your ranking up for these specific keywords. However, your website should receive a 45% higher click rate on posts with keywords that appear or are similar to those in your URL.

Why does SEO for personal injury lawyers matter if you only serve local clients? Local SEO also allows you to better target those in your preferred market who need your specific services. Through SEO, you can give these individuals easy access. Of those who conduct local searches, 50% visit the business they found within a day.

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