Semantic Keywords Explained | BKA Content – Technologist

Why Are Semantic Search Terms Important?

In the beginning of SEO, specific keywords were all that mattered. This led to black-hat issues such as keyword stuffing. Now, search engines prioritize high-quality content and helpful, accurate information. Google tries to understand a person’s search intent more than the specific words in the search box. Semantic keywords play a huge role in finding the right web pages.

For example, if someone types “pizza near me,” which of the following do you think they’re looking for?

  • The history of local pizza
  • Pictures of pizza
  • List of pizza ingredients and recipes
  • Nearby pizza restaurants

The person is hungry and wants pizza now! In response, Google shows a list of top-rated places to order pizza in the area, along with phone numbers and ordering information.

How Do You Use Semantic Keyword Phrases for SEO?

Remember these key takeaways when planning your web content.

Prioritize Search Intent

Now that you know that Google cares about search intent more than rigid keywords, it’s time to do the same with your website. Before creating content, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Why is my target audience searching for this keyword in the first place?
  • What answers or solutions do readers need?
  • What are some related questions (i.e., FAQs) that can enrich the topic?
  • What is my goal with this article?

Search intent and semantic keywords naturally complement each other. The better you understand why your audience needs help, the more effective your content is. In turn, your guide or blog post scores higher search rankings.

Invest in High-Quality, Long-Form Content

Articles that cover semantic topics in depth rank significantly higher than other content. Most pages in the No. 1 search position are about 1,500 words long. These top articles answer related questions, share tips and provide examples. 

Amazing SEO content doesn’t happen by accident. It’s the result of smart planning, expertise and accurate information. Creating this type of content requires investing time and money, but the results are worth it.

Our high-quality SEO content runs circles around AI-generated posts when it comes to search rankings, user satisfaction, brand reputation and backlinks. Customers want content that is appealing and helpful.

Write About Topics Instead of Keywords

Choosing a focus keyword for a blog article is important, but it’s not the end-all-be-all of SEO success. If you’re doing things right, target keywords should be like the seasoning in a delicious dish, adding essential flavor but never overpowering the content. A pizza with fresh basil tastes incredible, but only when balanced with a crispy crust, cheese, tomatoes and other ingredients.

Structure articles so semantic keyword phrases flow naturally from one idea to the next. Answer questions that someone approaching the topic for the first time would probably have. Find FAQ ideas by looking at the “People also ask” section of Google’s search results.

Does Your Company Need Semantic Keywords for SEO?

Modern SEO isn’t a question of semantic search versus keyword search. The two techniques support each other, enriching your SEO and contributing to a better website. At BKA Content, we follow SEO best practices every time, from semantic keywords to white-hat link building. See what amazing content looks like right away.

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