Tree Service Search Engine Optimization Guide – Technologist

Write Regular Tree Service SEO Blog Posts

Google and visitors alike expect to see high-quality, original content that is easy to understand and provides a solution to a problem. Keep your target audience in mind, including what motivates them, their challenges, and how you can help them. Choose topics that solve a problem for your potential customers. Some good examples include:

  • Why You Shouldn’t Plant Trees Too Close to Your Home
  • What Soil Is Right For My New Tree?
  • The Biggest Mistakes Homeowners Make When Trimming Their Own Trees

Audit Your Site Content

Your tree service search engine optimization efforts don’t end after you hit the publish button. A content audit involves taking inventory of your currently published content and evaluating whether it meets your SEO needs. Most audits include web pages, blog posts, and product descriptions. You may also look at landing pages, videos, and white papers.

Set a goal first, such as improving SEO results, removing repetitive content, or creating a better-organized website. Collect your content and categorize it by grabbing the URLs you need to audit and creating a spreadsheet. Finally, track metrics and analyze your data.

Refresh Your Old Content

Refreshing old content is an excellent way to build organic search results. Look for tree service search engine optimization content that does not rank well for its target keywords or doesn’t receive a lot of organic traffic, evergreen content that is more than a year old, content that has specific dates or years in the title, and pages that create a poor user experience.

Reevaluate the keywords on these pages, and add words or phrases that are currently the most popular in your industry. After you update keywords, update links, images, and meta information. Ensure your content is still relevant, check for broken internal links, update meta information, and add strong calls to action to your content.

Build Links

Properly utilized links take your tree service marketing efforts to the next level. Your website needs three types of links: internal links, external links, and backlinks. Internal links connect pages within a single domain. For example, the navigation links on your homepage are internal links. A proper internal linking system will have a pyramid design that includes links to pages and subpages.

External links (links from your website to other websites) are also beneficial. Linking to high-quality, authoritative websites improves your credibility and provides your readers with further reading on topics they’re interested in. Always make sure your links are relevant and reputable, and be sure to use anchor text that is relevant to the topic. Avoid phrases like “click here.”

Finally, you need backlinks, which are links that lead to your website from another website. There are several ways to find them. Some people look for link potential on their competitors’ websites. Some tools allow you to see where most of a website’s backlinks are coming from and set you up to contact those site owners about your own website.

Another common way to get backlinks is to create guest posts on other websites that have relevance to your industry. This way, you can insert your own links to other posts you’ve written on the topic or to your company’s services page, if doing so is relevant.

Manage Your Social Media Accounts

While not technically part of tree service search engine optimization, social media is still a valuable tool for your marketing efforts. The way you use social media can influence your SEO in several different ways. Social media helps you distribute your content, gives your blog posts a longer lifespan as they’re shared, improves organic traffic to your website, increases brand recognition, and boosts your local SEO. If you want social media to work for you, post links to useful, high-quality blog posts, infographics, or other important information. Remember, focus on quality over quantity.

Perform Ongoing Tree Service Search Engine Optimization Maintenance 

SEO is no longer a one-and-done deal. Trends in search engine optimization change frequently, which means tree service website owners need to perform ongoing SEO to ensure their pages continue to rank highly on search engine results pages.

Search engine algorithms are always changing, which means you need to keep abreast of the latest in SEO techniques and update your website to reflect those trends. Keep your pages mobile-friendly as well. After all, nearly 60 percent of online searches come from mobile devices. A responsible website ensures your page looks good no matter how someone finds it. Other things you’ll need to do for ongoing SEO include analyzing your website’s performance and brand engagement, checking for broken links, tracking your search engine ranking, and checking your on-page SEO optimization metrics.

Let Us Help You With Tree Service Search Engine Optimization

BKA Content provides a variety of tree service search engine optimization services. Whether you need an audit of your current site, help building links, or brand-new content, our professionals are up to the task. You take care of the trees; we’ll take care of the rest. Check out some of our SEO blog writing services to help you get started.

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